Primary I


Believing you work best when you feel great. Primary provides a shared office environment that focuses on the cleaner side of living with amenities designed to help people feel good while working to make their businesses thrive. Primary’s goal is to seamlessly combine wellness and performance to create an opportunity for success.  


To envision, and exemplify, these goals WAKE was hired to design their flagship location of 40,000 square feet in the Financial District of New York City. As design, and programmatic elements, these goals are most clearly expressed through the large ‘spine’ which runs down the center of the floor encompassing central gathering spaces, yoga and meditation studios, showers and changing rooms, the  wellness café, and break out spaces to ensure no single office if isolated from a healthy environment. This design intent is also reinforced throughout through the elimination of hard edges and dead-end corridors along the circulation path. Instead curved corners with planters are introduced to reduce the visual cleanly transition spaces.  


Project Name: Primary I


Typology: Built, Commercial, Office, Interior


Location: New York, NY


Year: 2017


Status: Complete


Size: 40,000 sqf


Client: Primary



  • Engineer of Record: Tom Veltre PE TOMVPE

  • Architect of Record: Richard Wainer Architect PLLC


Design Team: Nathan Minett, RA

Built, CommercialNathan Minett