Primary II


Believing you work best when you feel great. Primary provides a shared office environment that focuses on the cleaner side of living with amenities designed to help people feel good while working to make their businesses thrive. Primary’s goal is to seamlessly combine wellness and performance to create an opportunity for success.

To envision, and exemplify, these goals WAKE was hired to design their first multi-floor location by Pennsylvania Station in Midtown New York. Stretched across four-floors the 24,000 square feet is subdivided into two-floor ‘units’ each providing pantry, community gathering, phonebooth, meeting room, and relaxation spaces.  While the fifth floor, the cellar, provides a wellness café, lounge, yoga and meditation studios, showers and changing rooms, By clustering program across floors and having floors work in tandem with each the communal environment is enhanced while providing ample personal space to do your best work while you feel great.  


Project Name: Primary II


Typology/Category: Built, Commercial, Office, Interior,


Location: New York, NY


Year: 2018


Status: Built


Size: 24,000 sqf


Client: Primary


Collaborators: Engineer of Record - Thomas Veltre, TOMVPE
Architect of Record - Richard Wainer, RA


Design Team: Nathan Minett