Writers Cabin 2.0


This 200-square foot cabin serves as a private office, shed, and writers retreat. The owner asked for a space that felt connected to its surroundings while at the same time providing structure, storage, and security.

The single-room cabin, two-room structure, provides an intimate connection with nature. One that acknowledges its temperate climate, scenic views, and proximity to wildlife. Through this connection, the cabin allows isolated introspection. The finishes are restrained, punctuated, and articulated through the simple use of wood, color, and the mass’s solid/void relationship.


Project Name: “Writers Cabin”

Typology: Residential Office + Shed

Location: Southwest Harbor, Maine

Year: 2021

Status: Complete

Size: 200 sqft

Client: Undisclosed

WAKE’s Role: Architect, Designer, Project Manager

Design Team: Nathan Minett, RA


Home office design and auxiliary dwelling unit.