100% Supportive




Supportive housing in New York City is crucial for addressing some of the most pressing challenges its most vulnerable residents face. By combining affordable housing with essential services such as healthcare, job training, and substance abuse treatment, supportive housing provides a stable foundation for individuals and families to thrive. This approach to housing helps reduce homelessness and alleviates strain on impacted communities and public services like emergency healthcare and the criminal justice system.

Implementing 100% supportive housing initiatives ensures that every individual facing chronic homelessness or disability can access vital resources. Supportive housing plays a crucial role in addressing many of the complex social issues facing New York City and the United States at large. By providing a combination of affordable housing and essential support services, this model addresses the needs of the city's most vulnerable populations, including people experiencing homelessness, people with disabilities, and those struggling with mental health issues or substance abuse.

In New York, where housing affordability is a significant concern, supportive housing offers a sustainable solution by giving residents a stable place to live and access to services that help improve their health, well-being, and economic stability. This holistic approach is essential for breaking the cycle of homelessness and enabling individuals to contribute to their communities, thereby enhancing the city's overall social and economic fabric. Thus, 100% supportive housing can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable New York.


Project Name: 100% Supportive

Typology: New Build - Supportive Housing Development

Location: New York, NY

Year: 2024

Status: Ongoing, Unbuilt

Size: 185,000 sqft

Client: Private

Collaborators: Private

Design Team

  • Nathan E. Minett, RA, Kevin Atkinson, Myat Khine, Xiaoxian Hu, Kenneth Namkung, Jigz Miranda, & Fil Henri Hechanova