Brooklyn Townhouse III



Fully rebuilt, inside out, this townhouse in Gowanus Brooklyn has an entirely rebuilt front façade and rear addition with a double-height master bedroom. The oversized windows on the front façade are framed in reclaimed wood and transform into Juliet balconies, a motif that repeats itself on the rear façade where balconies wrap the second floor and back deck. The double-height master bedroom is a full-floor suite with a five-fixture bathroom and ample southern light, while the cellar opens up directly to the ground floor living area through a double-height entryway.  



Project Name: Brooklyn Townhouse III


Typology/Category: Built, Residential, Renovation, Interior


Location: Brooklyn, NY


Year: 2014


Status: Compelete


Size: 3,200 sqft


Client: Undisclosed


Collaborators: None at this time


Project Architect: Nathan Minett

Residential, Built, AllNathan Minett